Hester White 1, 2
Birth Name |
White, Hester |
1, 2
Gender |
female |
Age at Death |
more than 58 years |
Relation to the center person (Nathan McNew) : ninth great grandmother
Relation to Hester White |
Name |
Birth date |
Death date |
Father |
Richard White | about 1630 | 1708
Hester White |
before 1666 |
after 1724 |
Family of John Mills and Hester White |
Married |
Husband |
John Mills
( *
about 1657
bet Dec 30 1709 & Feb 7 1710/11
Children |
Source References
Greg Roseberry: The Elbert Howell-Bertha Burnop Family of Floyd, Smyth and Montgomery Counties, Virginia: Including the Burnop, Duncan, Fischbach, Hanks, Heimbach, Holtzclaw, Howell, Hylton, Morricle, Otterbach, Pratt, Stuell, Vaughan, and Weddle Families
Michael Marshall: "Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties"